
First Blog!

I'm totally new to all this blogging, but so far in my college career (as a communications major, if you haven't noticed ;) ), all I've heard about is how all communications majors should have a blog. (I mainly heard that in my journalism and BTMM classes.)
I didn't start one earlier because I wasn't sure what would be my focus; I have a lot of interests. But then I realized that a lot of my interests have to do with my major, THEREFORE---"I should just focus my blog on everything having to do with communications!"
The meaning of my header photo:
I work at a grocery store.  One night, before closing time, a man came through my line and randomly asked me if I was in college, then asked what my major was.  I, of course, replied, "communications major", to which he replied, "Oh! My nephew was a communications major.  How is he doing now? Jobless! That major has nothing to offer.  It's so hard to get a job.  You better become the best of the best in that major, or else you will end up like my nephew!" 
I was not even phased by his reply, because surprisingly, I received this comment many times before. 
It may look to many people like communications is a major leading to nowhere, but that is only for people who don't know much about the field.  People in communications know that there is a long list of awwweeesoommee jobs that communications can open, and I am super excited to explore my options!

In conclusion!
My blog will focus on everything that I encounter, having to do with my major: communications.  Yep, photography (yes! you get to follow me as I learn the art of photography! ), broadcasting, journalism, current events, advertising, movies, music, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. 
(Every once in a while, I will pop in some of my other interests, like fashion/makeup stuff) :)

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